Mahira Khan, the stunning and talented Pakistani television and film actress, has been enjoying immense fame and success since she entered the entertainment industry. Her acclaimed dramas include Humsafar, Niyat, Sadqay Tumhare, Shehr E Zaat, and Hum Kahan Ke Sache Thay, and she was also well-received in Express TV’s mini-series Razia. Currently, Mahira is working on her upcoming Netflix original, Jo Bachay Hain Sang Samait Lo.
Last year, Mahira married her love, Salim Karim, and she is thriving in her happy married life. Recently, she shared an engaging reel on social media where she opened up about her husband and her favorite gifts from him.
In the video, Mahira Khan expressed her appreciation for all the gifts from Salim Karim, noting that he always gives her the best presents. She revealed, “I love all the gifts my husband gives me, but I recently lost the latest one. I think it was stolen, and whoever took it will face consequences because my husband believes I lost it on purpose, which isn’t true. Among all his gifts, I especially cherish the beautiful bangles he gives me every week.” Here is the link to the video, featuring a glimpse of her beautiful closet:
Social media users are enjoying Mahira Khan’s candid chat with fans, where she also shared personal details. Here are a few of the comments: