“Mann Jogi” is a new project by Sultana Siddiqui, who has just marked 50 years in the industry. This captivating show, penned by Zafar Mairaj and directed by Kashif Nisar, stars Bilal Abbas Khan, Gohar Rasheed, Sabeena Farooq, and Asma Abbas. It explores the issue of Halala and its misuse within the Muslim community.
In Episode 2 of Mann Jogi, viewers gain deeper insights into the events leading up to the pivotal night. Aliya and Ibrahim have fled, with Ibrahim trying to take her to her brother’s house. Ibrahim’s innocence and piety are evident in every scene, providing a profound glimpse into his character.
Fans are praising Bilal Abbas Khan for his portrayal of Ibrahim in Mann Jogi, noting his genuine and innocent depiction of the character. Here’s what they have to say: